Literatur & Medien

Kinder- und Jugendliteratur

Feelings, Tom: Soul Looks Back in Wonder

Informationen zum Buch
Sachgebiet:Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
Inhalt:Tom Feelings wählte für das Buch Bilder aus, die er während seiner Aufenthalte in Ghana + Senegal (Westafrika) und Guyana (Südamerika) aber auch in den Vereinigten Staaten von Menschen skizzierte. Er bat dreizehn wichtige PoetInnen, Gedichte zu den Bildern zur Verfügung zu stellen bzw. zu den Bildern zu schreiben. Das Buch widmet Tom Feelings den „kostbaren jungen afrikanischen Schwestern und Brüdern, die unser Heute und unser Morgen“ sind (Zitat aus seinem Vorwort zu dem Buch).

Preface to the book from Tom Feelings:
Today – the present – is a dangerous place for children of African descent, children of the sun. They are standing between childhood and adulthood, midway between the past and the future, pulled away from their center. They are removed from the benefits if ancient initiation rites – rites if passage designed to ease young people into manhood and womenhood, into the responsibilities and protection of full communal life. Too many teenagers are growing up in an environment where indifference and hostility are bullets aimed straight at rhe core of their spirits.
For four hundred years African creativity has been struggling to counter the narrow contraints of oppression, to circle it, to turn it around, to seek order and meaning in the midst of chaos. My soul looks back in wonder at how African creativity has sustained us and how it still flows – seeking, searching for new ways to connect the ancient with the new, the young with the old, the unborn with the ancestors. Our creativity, moving, circling, improvising within the restricted form of oppression, reminds us that we must remain responsible to each other – we are not only individuals, but a part of a collective that shares a common history and future. this book is a part of that flow of creativity.
The artists who came together to create “Soul Looks Back in Wonder” understand that one way to project our positive hopes for the future is for young people to see their own beauty reflected in our eyes, through our work. And this book is for our precious young African sisters and brothers, who are our today and tomorrow.

Verlag:Dial Books
Erscheinungsjahr, -ort:1993, New York
Bemerkung:From the book cover:
Tom Feelings celebrates the African-American spirit along with thirteen major poets: Maya Angelou, Lucille Clifton, Alexis De Veaux, Mari Evans, Darryl Holmes, Langston Hughes, Rashidah Ismaili, Haki R. Madhubuti, Walter Dean Myers, Mwatabu Okantah, Eugene B. Redmond, Askia M. Touré and Margret Walker.

Tom Feelings has focused on African culture and the Black American experience throughout his distinguished career, and has had many award-winning books published by Dial.... He was born and grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and attended the School of Visual Arts. He has travelled throughout the Carribean, East Africa, and West Africa, where he lived in Ghana. he also lived in Guyana, South America, while working in the government publishing program to train young artists in textbook illustration. He is a professor of art at the University of south Carolina, where he lives with his wife, Dr. Dianne Johnson Feelings, a professor of English at the University.

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