Mitglied (Member)
Organisation (Organization):Stichting Mbenyokono
Gründungsjahr (Year of foundation):2015
gemeinnütziger eingetragener Verein (Non-profit-making organization):Ja (Yes)
Internet (Webaddress):
Kontaktperson in Deutschland (Contact in Germany)
Nachname (Name):van Hoesel
Vorname (First name):Pieter
Straße, Nr. (Street, Number):Billitonkade 76
PLZ (Post code):NL 3531 TK
Ort (Place):Utrecht
E-Mail (E-mail)
Vorwahl (Precode):+31
Telefon (Fon):(0)6 8739 0906
Fax (Fax):keine Angabe
Partner in Gambia (Partner in The Gambia)
Organisation (Organization):Mbenyokono Foundation
Ort, Distrikt, Region (Place, district, region):Tabokoto, KMC
Kontaktperson in Gambia (Contact in The Gambia)
Nachname (Name):Jatta
Vorname (First name):Bakary
Adresse (Postal address):CoastalRoad Junction Tabokoto, across the street from the Butcher
E-Mail (E-mail):keine Angabe
Telefon (Fon):+220 253 2074 / +220 253 17 88
Fax (Fax):keine Angabe
Schwerpunkte der Arbeit (Main emphasis)

Thematische Schwerpunkte, Erfahrungen, Kompetenzen (Main topics, experiences, competence):

The Mbenyokono Foundation aims to make a sustainable contribution to the socio-economic and ecological development of West Africa, starting in The Gambia and Southern Senegal.
By starting and aiding local recycling businesses.

Spendenkonto (Donations account)
Bank (Bank):Triodos Bank
Konto-Nr. (Account number):IBAN NL27 TRIO 0390 5088 45
Bankleitzahl (Bank code):TRIONL2U
Stichwort (Keyword)
(falls erforderlich / if necessary):
keine Angabe

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